BassettsHonda, South Wales

JAZZ Crosstar

  • 8.9% APR Representative
  • £279 a month
  • 5 Years Complimentary Service Package***
  • £500 Deposit Contribution
Solid paint
On the Road (OTR) Price* £25,795.00
Deposit £5,728.41
Honda Deposit contribution** £500.00
Amount of Credit £19,566.59
36 Payments of £279.00
Duration 37 months
Final Payment £13,953.67
Final Payment inc Option Fee £13,963.67
Total Amount Payable £30,236.08
APR Representative 8.90%
Option to Purchase Fee £10.00
Annual Contracted Mileage 8,000
Excess Mileage Charge per mile £0.07
Interest Rate Per Annum Fixed 8.54%
 Terms and Conditions
New retail Jazz Hybrid ordered with Honda and finance approved by Honda Finance Europe from 12 December 2022 to 31 March 2023 and registered by 30 September 2023. Subject to model and colour availability. Offers applicable at participating dealers (excluding Channel Islands) and are at the promoter’s absolute discretion. Not to be used along with any other offers currently available. 

*OTR may be subject to change due to actual or unexpected changes in tariffs, duties taxes or other costs which may affect importation or other costs of supply.

**Honda deposit contribution: £500 Honda deposit contribution on all new retail Jazz Hybrid models purchased through Honda Personal Contract Purchase (PCP) or Honda Hire Purchase (HP).

***5 years service package: It is only included when your vehicle is financed through a Honda Personal Contract Purchase (PCP) or Honda Hire Purchase (HP) agreement with Honda Finance Europe with a minimum balance to finance of £5,000.You can settle your finance agreement at any time, however you will need to make at least six regular monthly payments to ensure qualification for the 5 years service package. If you do not make six regular monthly payments, the 5 years service package will be cancelled. Visit for more information about the 5 years service package.

8.9% APR representative Honda Personal Contract Purchase (PCP): Maximum customer deposit 30%. At the end of the agreement, there are three options: i) Retain: Pay the optional final payment to own the vehicle, ii) Return: Return the vehicle, or iii) Renew: Part exchange your Honda for a new one. You do not have to pay the Final Payment if you return the car at the end of the agreement and you have paid all other amounts due, the vehicle is in good condition and has been serviced in accordance with the Honda service book and the maximum annual mileage has not been exceeded. Excess mileage charge includes VAT at current rate. 

8.9% APR representative Honda Hire Purchase (HP): At the end of the agreement, once the option to purchase fee [if applicable] has been paid you will own the vehicle outright, you could then choose to part exchange your Honda for a new one.

Indemnities may be required in certain circumstances. Finance is only available to persons aged 18 or over, subject to status. All figures are correct at time of publication but may be varied or withdrawn at any time . Honda Franchise Dealers are credit brokers, not lenders. As the dealer offers products from a limited number of carefully selected finance providers, they are not independent financial advisors. We may or may not make a payment and / or reward to the dealer if you enter into an agreement with us. Credit provided by Honda Finance Europe Plc. Honda Financial Services is a trading name of Honda Finance Europe Plc. Cain Road, Bracknell, Berkshire RG12 1HL a company registered at Companies House No 03289418. Honda Finance Europe plc is authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority, Financial Services Register number 312541.
Honda Jazz Hybrid - Bassetts Honda Swansea

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